A Comparison of some Search Engines -- looking for "baduk"
On 16 September 1999, I used 25 Search Engines to
search for "baduk" on the
Web. Here is a report of what I found. I also tried
to register my own web pages, whenever I could. Some sites
let me do this, some did not. Some were easy to use,
and others much more difficult ...
I searched past Usenet news messages using
Deja News - this gave 31 hits. I also used
a Deja News Power Search -
and got about 200 hits. Of course, cannot add URL!
I also used another 24 ordinary search engines. I have put them roughly
in order of their value to me. You might well want to put them in a
different order for your purposes.
Alta Vista - 3597 results. Powerful search methods.
You canot add your URL.
You can search for all pages which link to a particular page --
when I did this for a page of mine the number of answers was never
the same twice -- answers varied from 39 to 93, and the order kept
changing !! -- drove me mad!! -- their "support" staff told me that
this was normal behaviour ...
Northern Light - 2521 hits. Allows
complex searches, and the results are very well organized ...
1222 in S Korea, including 81 items in korealink.co.kr for, etc;
156 in baduk.chosun.com;
401 in personal pages;
763 commercial sites;
You can very easily register a whole site via the "Register URL"
link at Northern Light's Home page.
Dogpile - The sum of about a dozen other searches, including the largest.
Calls almost the other major search engines -- displays results separately for each ...
Cannot yet add URL from
the Dogpile Home page
AOL - 26 hits, but ...
a search of Web pages gives 1526 hits.
Can add URL to their list.
InfoSeek - 1216 hits.
Has search within results
Can search for pages which link to a given page
(using "link:...") [I found 19 at which linked to my old page at
www.eng.ox.ac.uk -- 2 of them new to me].
Can add URL
The "Fast" search engine -
1738 hits. Cannot add URL
Snap - approx 1200 hits.
Can add a URL once you have got to:
"Home: Sports: Indoor Recreation: Board Games: Go"
Euro Seek - 760 hits.
Cannot add URL
Google - 750 hits.
Can display 100 per page.
Use Google Scout to get list of pages which link to a given page.
(This gave 30 for my www.goban.demon.co.uk site)
can use link: 25 for eng -- 4 new ones.
Cannot add URL
Excite - 510 hits.
Can add URL
Lycos - 334 hits. Can add URL easily
C4 - Parallel Search Technology - FASTER search - 51 hits
C4 - Parallel Search Technology - SMARTER search - 358 hits.
Seem to be able to register a URL ...
LookSmart - 200 hits.
Cannot add URL
Euro Ferret - 201 hits -- up-to-date, and prioritized -- more if
not prioritized ...
Can add URL, but this is not very easy.
GoTo - 145 hits -- had to page through (40 per page) to
find this out! If you pay $US 25.00, can add URL from
GoTo's Home Page
HotBot - 138 hits.
Seemingly can add URL via
HotBot's Add URL page
Direct Hit - bad interface! -- 138 hits.
Can add own URL
dmoz - Open Directory Project - 120 results. Cannot add an URL.
Netscape - about 100 hits.
You Can add your site to 11 engines -- I succeeded in doing this
eventually. I needed to sign up for Netcenter
-- free, then got an automatic sign-on with "Web Site
Garage" -- would register with any/all of: Alta Vista,
ComFind, Excite, Hotbot, Infoseek, Lycos, Netscape Search,
Northern Light, Planet Search, Pronet, The YellowPages, or
Yahoo -- about 60 hits.
Can add own URL
Thunderstone -
46 hits.
Cannot add my site -- maybe DNS broken -- maybe USA only?!
InFind - 33 hits.
Cannot add URL.
a handy guide is the same as
handy links - 20 hits.
Can submit own URL
WebCrawler - 29 hits.
Can add URL
My home page