Printable Go Boards

Here are some tips for making your own, printable, boards for playing the oriental board game Go – Japanese: 囲碁 (Igo), Chinese: 围棋/圍棋(WéiQí [Wei-Ch'i]), Korean: 바둑 (Baduk/Paduk).

Stijn's goboards

Using PostScript (from Adobe), Stijn van Dongen has created printable Go boards that you can also customise with your own Club details, etc. Via the goboards home page, you can download some ready-made PDFs and print these immediately. Alternatively, get one of the PostScript files, which you can then edit, and customize. With Perl scripting, more possibilities open up. There is also the goboards – supplementary documentation page which gives several ideas for taking things further.

A Self-contained board

With a board made from washable/wipeable plastic, you don't need Go stones. Instead, you can use a (water-based) washable white-board marker, and draw the moves as Os and Xs. To make such a board, you can print a board on thin card, and then use the standard encapsulation procedure.

If you print a 9x9 board on the back of a 13x13 board, there is space left around the edges to print much more information (almost a page of A4), such as the rules. This has already been done, describing the UK rules – a Chinese style ruleset, almost identical to the French, and US, rules. Soon, we expect to supply a PDF version (for instant printing), a PostScript version (allowing minimal customization), and a MicroSoft Word document of the rules text including graphics, which you can – with a great deal of effort, to be described elsewhere – also use to customize the additional rules text, and/or graphics, and then merge it with a standard goboard!

Updated 2011/02/03

Page maintained by harryfearnley@gmail.comZZZ (sorry - remove "ZZZ" from my email address)