2.3.4 Three Points without Capturing (3) |
Dias. 2-12-6 to 2-12-8 show a third possibility: the four black stones are removed unconditionally at the end of the game, then Black is allowed to play again. The result after Dias. 2-12-3 and 2-12-7 may vary when White can fight the ko, but if we assume that White and Black connect at 4 and 5 as shown in Dia. 2-12-8, then White's profit is three points. |
Dia. 2-12-3 | Dia. 2-12-6 |
Dia. 2-12-7 | Dia. 2-12-8 |
These diagrams show that it is to White's disadvantage to play first as in Dia. 2-12-4, and to Black's disadvantage to play first as in Dia. 2-12-2. If neither Black nor White plays first, at the end of the game they may decide to settle for Dias. 2-12-6 to 2-12-8. At least that justifies the name of the position, "three points without capturing." Other explanations for these three points can of course be given. |
Dia. 2-12-2 | Dia. 2-12-4 |