The rest of this discussion will concentrate mainly on territory rules I, making comparisons with area rules III, and with territory rules II in cases of seki with territory or one-sided neutral points. Before getting around to special cases, we will see how an ordinary game is played under territory rules I, using some actual game records. We will observe that in the normal case there is no difference between territory rules I and traditional territory rules. In particular, if play stops by mutual agreement at the preliminary end in territory rules I, the game ends at the traditional end. The main significance of territory rules I is therefore only felt when unusual positions arise. I would like to demonstrate that territory rules I can settle such positions in a completely logical way. |
6.1 Normal Case (1) |
Our first example is the second game of a ten-game match between Go Seigen (White) and Hashimoto Utaro. Dia. 6-1-1 shows White 274, the last move of the game under traditional rules. At this point Black agreed that the game had ended and allowed White to connect the ko in the upper right, because White would have won the ko fight. White won the game by one point. |